FleXX: A Study of Flexibility (Contagion Special Edition)
This report is a special edition to our original study “FleXX: A Study of Flexibility in Outpatient Settings”.
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Upali Nanda, Deborah Wingler, Melissa Hoelting, Kate Renner, Frank Kittredge, Whitney Fuessel
Jason Schroer, Stan Shelton, Erin Peavey, ,Alison Avendt, Sarah Holton, Arthur Brito
HKS Inc.
The aim of this special edition is:
To understand the flexibility (and flow) needs that must be met during a pandemic
To clearly illustrate how flexibility is being deployed today, using the FleXX framework, and outline a process for prioritization of flexing capital assets
To lay the groundwork for post-surge preparedness, and long-term flexibility
The body of evidence doesn’t exist on how to respond to such a pandemic - because we have not faced something similar in recent times. Looking at precedents from 1918, or the plague, can only take us so far.
We are putting out this document as a open-source mechanism to create a dialogue in the industry. The research community makes a commitment to a measured and thorough study as our first responders - healthcare workers, construction workers, essential service workers - respond as rapidly and responsibly as they can to this crisis, so we are better prepared, in our built environments.
Our rapid deployments of flexibility will tell us much about how we must plan for it going further and commit to a foundational resiliency and agility in our thinking.
As this COVID-19 pandemic unfolds, we are hoping this living document will help to start a conversation - building our foundational knowledge on how our built environments can better rapidly respond.
We welcome all feedback, edits and inputs to this document by emailing admin@cadreresearch.org, and hope you will help us add to our inventory of projects in this live excel sheet. We also welcome any designer or system that has developed successful solutions to their challenges to reach out to us at admin@cadreresearch.org for an interview.
From this critical dialogue, we will constantly be updating this report so that is an up to date resource, reflecting lessons learned from the unfolding crisis.
Image Courtesy of CADRE